I was perusing my RSS feeds this morning and ran across this post by my friend Martin McKeay where he talks about missing his 5th year blog anniversary. That reminded me that I missed my 2nd year blog anniversary. I posted my first blog entry on Aug 9, 2006. It was an experiment to see how I would like it and it stuck. As Martin says in his post blogging has been a very good thing for me. It has opened many doors that more than likely would have remained closed if I had not started blogging. Ironically Martin is one of the key reasons that my blog has succeeded. I'm not sure how but he found my blog on Aug 11, 2006 and made a comment encouraging me to keep it up and he later linked to me and mentioned me on his podcast.
I've become a big fan of blogging and reading blogs. I consider reading blogs as a part of my job now because I learn from those I read and gain information and knowledge that I would not have. As I talk with other security and IT professionals who don't read blogs I'm amazed at how much more informed I am then they are about what is going on in the world of information security. I think the biggest benefit that I have gained from blogging is the friendships that I've developed w/ other bloggers and security professionals. Most of them I've never met, yet I know that I can call on them at any time if I need something. The next best thing has been the opportunity to interact with several of those of you who read my ramblings and then comment on them or send me emails. It's always good to know that what I have to say is enjoyed by others and occasionally adds value to them. Of course there are those who have disagreed with me from time to time and that's OK as well. Good healthy debate is good for the industry and helps to keep us sharp.
So, thanks to all of you who give me a few minutes of your time each day (that is when I don't go on a 2 week no blog spree). I hope that you stick around for the next several years.
Security's Everyman

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Sometimes things slip up on you
Posted by
Andy, ITGuy
5:24 AM
Labels: Andy ITGuy, blog anniversary, information security
Sometimes things slip up on you
Andy, ITGuy
Andy ITGuy|blog anniversary|information security|