Security's Everyman

Security's Everyman

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Reactionary Security

Isn't it just like the government to rush out a multimillion dollar "security" project because it is reacting to something. This article from ComputerWorld outlines how the TSA is basically rushing out a ID card that has not been fully tested and the main reason is because they are under pressure to get something out. Apparently rolling out the appropriate solution isn't necessary. Just get something out so it looks like we are on top of things.

This quote seems to sum up the attitude of those pushing to get this implemented. "Moving quickly to implement the TWIC program 'without developing and testing solutions to identified problems to ensure that they work effectively could lead to further problems, increased costs and program delays without achieving the program's intended goals,' the GAO said."

Apparently ensuring that taxpayer money is spent in the best manner isn't high on the list here. I wouldn't mind extra money being spent if it was going to do some good, but to blatently push a so called security objective before it's time is stupid.

Maybe this is the same group that screwed up configuring all thoser DNS servers we heard about a few weeks back.

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